Sunday, February 22, 2009

Latest States News - Latest breaking news

***Update***This is the latest I have heard regarding the state meet, again, no word on whether or not it is official, but it seems to be the most concrete I have heard to this point:
Tanner was trying to get into the 100 Fly, but the entry was not saved properly by the coach, and the error was not noticed until after the Psych Sheets were released. The other coaches voted down a request to get it fixed at that point.

I have recently heard a rumor that Tanner Kurz has been entered into the 100 Fly, no word yet on whether it is official, but we'll probably know more in the coming days. Also, the girls team scores, close as they are, might not end up quite so close, if all follows the psych sheets. It appears as though Tatnall's relays are entered at their best times with the top 4 swimmers in the relays, which will not be possible - they will most likely only have the depth to swim 2 strong relays, which gives Charter a slightly larger edge than previously predicted. I was going to post preliminary All State lists, but have decided against it until after prelims, when we know who is in the top 8, and we'll have a better idea about times. And I have updated the top 10 boys and girls teams today, after rechecking the scoring, and now the boys meet has Charter in 2nd, with AI 2 points behind. St. Mark's girls fell to 7th, but I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped up to a 5th or 6th place finish. A final thought on All State selections until prelims, should all swimmers 1-16 in the events be considered for All State Power Point Rankings? Since they can score points for the team, should they be allowed to score points for All State. This also gives an advantage to a swimmer who makes top 8 in one event, and top 16 in the other over a swimmer who only makes top 8...your thoughts?


  1. the girls tatnall team isn't the only one that entered their 3 best times in relays - the boys st. andrews coach did the same thing and has done so for the last few years.

    as for tanner getting in - the rules say "no changes to entries will be accepted after the entry deadline." it would be a shame if they break the rules for one person.

  2. So, what's the right thing to do? The coach messes up and you penalize the swimmer? During the season, this sport is very team oriented. At States, it seems as though it is much more individual oriented. Is one swimmer in one event really going to significantly change the outcome in the end?

  3. Theoretically, one swimmer could cause a difference this year. Adding him into the 100 Fly would put DMA up 20 points in the projection, moving up from 10th to just behind Brandywine. Also, it would have an effect on the Charter/AI matchup at the current projection, giving Charter an extra projected point (AI swimmers move to 8th and 9th, Charter to 7th and 14th, meaning AI loses 3 points, Charter only 2). In a race where every point counts, that could be a big difference. At the same time, you make a good point of questioning whether or not it is fair to penalize a swimmer for a coach's mistake, and I agree that it is terrible for the penalty to come down on the swimmer, but in the end, if this is true, the coaches made their decision based on the rules, but maybe the rules will be amended in the future. There is also an article about the Kurz twins on DelawareOnline:

  4. Direct Athletics allows you to print your entries for confirmation. A diligent (paranoid) coach would print their confirmation and save it as proof that entries were made correctly and as intended.

    Is it fair to let a coach see the field (psych sheets) and then enter an athlete?

  5. Tanner shouldn't be allowed to swim fly! Okay, so the DIAA messed up. They should apologize to him and both sides move on. The kid will try to hawk down the state record in the 100 breast and has two spectacular relays to swim on. Nothing against Tanner, but he really shouldn't be able to swim fly if the rules state that there will be no entries after everything's due. And has for "A coach"'s comment... I believe it's not fair. The swimmer and coach should decide which events are best for the swimmer according to predictions of who will swim each event. Just my opinion... nice blog Jeff. See ya Thursday, and good luck!

  6. Assuming that the mistake was definitely on the DIAA, and the coach has the printout from DirectAthletics saying that he should have been entered in the Fly, then it would be fair for him to swim it. He gained no advantage by seeing the psych sheets, if he originally entered in the fly, he is just being put in as if no issue ever occurred. We'll see what the final verdict is on Thursday. Glad you like the blog, and good luck!

  7. I think that all times should be counted in the power point tabulation for All State selection. Not only those who make consolation final heat, but ALL swimmers entered into the meet should have their power points tabulated and counted.

  8. I do not feel that Tanner Kurz or any other swimmer who did not meet the entry requirement as established by the DIAA should be granted an exemption unless the error was made by the DIAA. Once an exception has been made for any particular swimmer, the door is opened for other schools/coaches to request exemptions for their swimmers in future DIAA meets. My concern is that this could be used to someone's advantage in choosing which event to swim AFTER psych sheets have been released.

  9. Yes lets kill the child to keep the coaches from cheating. great Idea...
